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Línea de tiempo, Ernest Hemingway

Línea de tiempo, Hernest Hemingway.

Linea de tiempo oscar wilde

Línea de tiempo, Oscar Wilde

Biography, Oscar Wilde.

1854- Was born in Dublin, Irlanda.

1864- Entered the Port Royal School of Enniskillen.

1871- During his stay there he died his sister Isola, which inspired his poem Requiescat.

1871- On October 19, entered Trinity College (Dublin).

1874- on October 17, entered at Magdalen College in  Oxford.

1876- During your stay at this school his father died, on April 19.

1878 – Where he continued his studies that year.

1878- In November, he graduated as Bachelor of Arts.

1881- half of that year, at 27 years old, gathered, revised and expanded his poetic works in his first book: Poemas.

1884- Married Constance Lloyd on May 29, in Paddington, Londres.

1885-  His son, Cyril,  was born in June.

1886- His son, Vyvyan, was born in November.

1887- Back in Britain, he worked as a reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette until 1889.

1897- He resumed his friendship with Douglas and joined in August, in Rouen

1900- Died November 30, in Paris, Francia.

Biography, Ernest Hemingway.

1899- Was born in Oak Park (Illinois) 21 July.

1917- To finish his studies , would not go to college, as his father wanted, or wanted to continue his studies cello, like her mother wanted.

1917- Began to work as reporter at the Kansas City Star.

1917- The United States had entered the war on April 6, and Ernest did not want to miss the opportunity to follow the American Expedition Corps.

1918- Lands  in Burdeos in Late May, to march to Italy.

1918- On July 8, Was seriously wounded by artillery Austrian.

1919- On January, Hemingway returned to the U.S. , resuming his work as a journalist for the Toronto Star.

1920- On September 3, He married Elizabeth Hadley Richardson, who was 8 years older than him.

1922- The couple moved to Paris.

1923- This year first child was born, John Hadley Nicanor Hemingway.

1923-His early work: Three Stories and Ten Poems.

1928- Returned to U.S. returns with his wife.

1929- In this world (work)

1929- He published “Farewell to Arms”, autobiographical novel content, because it is based on their way through the war and his experiences in the battlefield.

1935- Two editions more optimistic: Bullfighting, Death in the afternoon, and Africa, Green Hills of Africa.

1944- He traveled to Europe as war correspondent.

1961- On July 2, he shot himself with a escopet.


I am matias bravo…

I am Matias Bravo from valparaiso Chile. the 27th of September 1993, was born in the hospital Carlos ban buren.
My early years studied in school Gaspar Cabrales from 1 to 5 basic and then I transferred to school Alemania nº3  and follow studying of 6 to 8 basic.

I live with my mom called angelica (43), my stepfather Marcos (45) and my brother Thomas (16).

I lived with my grandparents until age 14 and went to live with my mom.

at 14 I went to high school postulate at Eduardo De La Barra, which I did very well, but no pass course in first and third medium.

I changed to 18 to school Juan Luis Vives and I am studying 3 and 4 medium, it’s going very well and I hope to continue so to apply for a very good college.